The birth of Canserve

Canserve is a  cancer support group that strives to help cancer patients and their families financially, emotionally and in any other way within its capacity.

It was in 2015, some doctors in Kochi noticed a few women patients fighting cancer with a lot of grit, strength and positivity. They had been out of surgery, undergoing chemotherapy, doing radiation and yet managed a smile most of the time. Seeing the courage of these women, the doctors requested them to join hands and share their story with others in the community.

The doctors believed that this bunch of women are capable to bring in a change

Through these warriors Doctors wanted to prove that 

‘One can overcome cancer and go on to lead a normal life.’

Fight Cancer

Though the brave women began their service to humanity much earlier, it was not before 2015 that Canserve was formed as an official body to create awareness and support patients  and families fight cancer.  For as long as it takes, we do our utmost to support cancer patients. Our hands extend to caring for their families and help them go through the treatment without unprecedented hardships.    

The services we provide are carefully designed by Canserve members who have been through cancer and know the intricacies involved during and after treatment. 

Have you been diagnosed with cancer recently?

Are you undergoing cancer treatment like chemotherapy/radiation?
Are you recovering from cancer?

Canserve can help in any of these scenarios and prepare you to adapt to a healthy, normal life after treatment. Our counselling services engage the patient and their families to cope with cancer and overcome hassles related to mental health.

We work as a community and make a bigger impact than cancer. Our programs and activities are aimed at educating, informing and creating cancer awareness among people. Canserve reaches out to the new generation through social media and activities like flash mobs.

We have an active young volunteer group engaged in promoting a healthy lifestyle and ‘health matters’ slogans amongst the younger crowd.

About Us

Canserve is a charitable organisation working meticulously towards spreading cancer awareness.


  • Address

    Reg No: EKM/TC/621/2014 1st Floor, Kattiparambil Building, PJ Antony Junction, Mamangalam, Ernakulam 682 025

  • Phone

    83300 73889

  • Email


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